重要 曾筱晴 - NEWS | 2024-10-28 | Count: 18



1. Based on the city’s 113th school year student art competition implementation plan.

2. The list of winners of Tainan City’s 113th School Year Student Art Competition in the Southern District is as detailed in the attachment.

List of our student awardees

205 張宸語--繪畫類國小低年級組--佳作

207 余品融--繪畫類國小低年級組--第二名--送件參加全國賽

401 謝佾愷--漫畫類國小中年級組--第三名--送件參加全國賽

609 耿瑜君--漫畫類國小高年級組--佳作

412 葉家瑀--水墨畫類國小中年級組--第二名--送件參加全國賽

501 周品臻--版畫類國小高年級組--佳作

Congratulations to the above award-winning students.



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